Why You Should Try Eating Popcorn Frozen

Is there anything more classic than a box of popcorn? The sweet or salty treat is a go-to at the movies and an ideal quick-and-easy snack. But have you been eating it wrong? If you've not been freezing your popcorn, you've been missing out on a deliciously satisfying crunch. The preparation is simple: Bag your popcorn (pre-popped) and place it in the freezer for around 90 minutes then eat it right away – before it defrosts — to avoid any crunch-sabotaging moisture.

While social media users have raved over this trick, with many adding seasoning or sugar beforehand, not all reviews were totally glowing. Some say it made the popcorn taste soggy or stuck the kernels together, making separating them a task in itself. A few people struggled to get the popcorn to go cold, and we'd be wary of sticky types like caramel, which could harden too much when frozen.

The overall verdict is that this is an interesting snack variation to try. Maybe add it to your adventurous foodies' bucket list. Is freezing one of the tips you need to make the best popcorn? The jury's still out, so see for yourself.

How to add crunch without freezing popcorn

Not sold on the idea of freezing your freshly-popped kernels? There are some alternative methods of bagging that crunch, and none of them involve opening your freezer door. Often, the trick to the crispiest homemade popcorn is simply using more oil. Frying in oil dehydrates the corn and forms a starch barrier. It's so effective that many chefs actually do it twice for added results and crispiness – double frying removes any moisture that works its way back to the surface when cooled.

Another option is re-evaluating the topping choice. For instance, caramel-coated popcorn will undoubtedly be crunchier than plain salted. When preparing the caramel at home, you can boost its crunchiness by cooking the sugar and water for as long as possible (smoky wisps are great benchmarks). 

It should go without saying that ensuring the popcorn hasn't gone stale or past its shelf life is essential. Luckily, this usually takes multiple years, but whether or not you store them in an airtight container is a big deciding factor. Don't overlook the power of flavor, either; it's worth researching the most popular popcorn seasonings ranked worst to best. And while we're plotting different approaches on worst-to-best scales, did you know there are more than 10 ways to pop popcorn? You might find that you muster up some extra strategies to boost your snack beyond texture.
